Previously on the FLN

Episode 96 - Talent and Fit with Dan Fantasia

Join us for another insightful episode of the Fabulous Learning Nerds, where we dive deep into the world of talent and fit with our special guest, Dan Fantasia. In this episode, Dan shares his extensive experience in recruiting and training, exploring the delicate balance between the two and how they intersect to create a thriving workplace culture.

Dan Fantasia has been a leader in sales recruiting since 1997, founding Treeline, Inc. in 2001. With a focus on building elite sales teams, Dan has changed the careers of over 3,300 sales professionals. His unique approach emphasizes a positively charged culture and innovative recruiting technologies, setting him apart as a leader who thrives on positivity and adeptness in identifying opportunities in challenging times.

Episode 95 - Failure is Awesome

In this week's episode  Scott, Dan, and Zeta dive headfirst into the often-overlooked world of failure and why it's a crucial element in the learning process. Join us as we embark on a candid conversation about the benefits of failure, debunking common misconceptions, and exploring the science behind making mistakes as a catalyst for more effective learning.

Tune in for valuable insights, actionable tips, and inspiring anecdotes that will transform your perspective!

Episode 94 - My L&D Journey with John Hardy

Join us in our latest episode "My Learning Journey" featuring the insightful John Hardy, a global business leader with a decade of experience spanning various domains including People Experience, Learning and Development, Culture, and Operations. John shares his profound insights on his journey through the realms of Learning and Development (L&D), shedding light on the essence of serving others.

In this engaging conversation, John unravels the secret sauce of L&D, emphasizing the paramount importance of serving individuals and their development. From his humble beginnings in the nonprofit sector to his thriving career in the corporate world, John's journey is a testament to the transformative power of learning and leadership.

Tune in as we discuss the intersection of faith, personal and professional development, gleaning valuable insights from John's enriching journey.

Episode 93 - Organizational Capacity with Allison Rodman

Join us on the Fabulous Learning Nerds as we discuss Organizational Capacity with our special guest, Allison Rodman. Allison Rodman, the driving force behind The Learning Loop, specializes in coaching individuals and organizations to leverage their time effectively and create impactful professional learning experiences. With a background that spans across various educational roles, Allison aims to make learning an ongoing journey that strengthens individual and organizational capacity. Allison shares her insights on moving from traditional professional development to dynamic, personalized learning environments. 

This episode is a must-listen for educators, leaders, and anyone interested in continuous learning within their organization.

Episode 92 - The Culture of Leadership

This week, the Fabulous Learning Nerds dive deep into the complexities of leadership, exploring what makes a great leader, the impact of leadership on employee tenure, and practical steps to enhance leadership skills. Zeta and the team shed light on the vital link between leadership quality and organizational success, emphasizing the significant costs of poor leadership and the high returns of effective leadership development. The conversation pivots around the transformation from individual contributors to leaders, the essential traits of successful leaders, and the difference between managing tasks and leading people. 

Listen in for an enlightening discussion on good leadership, the nuances of emotional intelligence, setting clear expectations, and the value of building high-performance teams.

Episode 91 - The Power of Design

In this enlightening episode of The Fabulous Learning Nerds, hosts Scott, Dan, and Zeta dive deep into the often underappreciated world of design. They discuss how it can be the cornerstone of effective communication and education. Through lively discussions, personal anecdotes, and expert insights, the hosts unravel the "Power of Design" and its critical role in our everyday lives. 

Whether you're a seasoned designer or new to the concept, there's something in this episode for everyone interested in making an impact through thoughtful and intentional design.

Episode 90 - Expert Learning with James McKenna

Welcome to a time-bending episode of the Fabulous Learning Nerds, featuring the inimitable James McKenna! Join us as we discuss innovative strategies, the essence of lifelong learning, the art of upskilling, and the creation of dynamic, inclusive learning spaces. This episode is a fusion of past wisdom and future strategies, perfect for educators and learners navigating today's ever-evolving educational landscape.

James McKenna, with over 20 years' experience in learning design and development, from Assistant Director of Professional Learning and Leadership Development at the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence to founding McKenna Learning. Explore James McKenna’s insights in greater depth in his book,  "Upskill, Reskill, Thrive: Optimizing Learning and Development in the Workplace" 

Episode 89 - Game Changers with Christel Reaves

Join us this week on the Fabulous Learning Nerds podcast as we welcome Christel Reaves, a visionary in educational innovation. In this episode, Christel shares her insights on integrating games into learning, emphasizing fun and effective teaching methods. As the founder of Connected Class, she highlights the impact of her Learning Link platform in bridging communication between educators and families. This episode delves into how games can significantly enhance learning experiences for both children and adults, emphasizing the importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. Christel shares her innovative approach to bridging classroom and home environments with her game-based strategies, making learning an exciting and memorable journey.

Christel Reaves, founder of Connected Class, is an influential educator with over 25 years of experience. A former classroom teacher and district administrator, Christel now focuses on enhancing teacher-family communication through her Learning Link platform. Recognized as the 2020 STEM Small Business Innovator of the Year, she holds a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Florida Atlantic University and a bachelor’s from S.U.N.Y College at Cortland. Christel's dedication to education is reflected in her numerous awards and her impact on schools across Florida.

Episode 88 - Education and AI with Priten Shah

In this episode, Scott and the NERDS engage in a lively discussion with Priten Shah about the monumental shifts AI is creating in education. Priten shares his eclectic journey from an ed-tech entrepreneur in high school to an influential thought leader in AI and education. The conversation traverses through the myths surrounding AI in schools, the necessity for ethical considerations, and the potential for personalized learning experiences. The episode not only sheds light on the practicalities of AI in educational settings but also inspires a future where learning is intrinsically motivated and joyfully pursued. Whether you're an educator, student, or simply a lifelong learner, this episode promises to enlighten and inspire you.

Myth Busting: AI detectors are not foolproof; the focus should shift from detection to fostering academic integrity and rethinking the purpose of assignments.

Ethical Necessities: As AI becomes ubiquitous, understanding and navigating the ethical implications, from biases in algorithms to the environmental impact, is crucial.

Future of Learning: AI offers the potential for a personalized learning journey, transforming education from career preparation to cultivating lifelong, joyous learners.

Episode 87 - Systems Thinking Approach with Gregory Hamluk

Welcome to the dynamic world of Systems Thinking. The Nerds embark on this journey with Gregory Hamluk, an esteemed Director of Learning and Development at Hubbell Incorporated. With a rich background in strategic enterprise planning and creating impactful HR operations, Gregory shares his insights on how Systems Thinking can revolutionize organizational learning and performance.

Systems Thinking in L&D: Understand how a systems approach can lead to more effective learning interventions and improved organizational performance.

Beyond Traditional Training: Explore how learning and development extend beyond conventional training methods to include broader, more systemic thinking.

The Five Cs Framework: Gain insights into the five Cs - curiosity, clarity, compassion, choice, and courage - and their role in shaping effective L&D strategies.

This episode promises to be a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone interested in enhancing their understanding of Systems Thinking and its application in the realm of learning and development. Join us and discover how to leverage this approach to unlock your organization's full potential.

Episode 86 - Save Time with Storyboarding 

Are you tired of spending endless hours crafting content only to find out it's not hitting the mark? Join Scott, Dan, and Zeta on the Fabulous Learning Nerds podcast as they unravel the secrets of efficient content creation.

Organize Your Thoughts: Learn how storyboarding is not just an extra step but a foundational tool that helps you organize your ideas efficiently. The Nerds break down the myth that storyboarding is time-consuming and reveal how it, in fact, streamlines the content creation process.

Collaborate Effectively: Discover the collaborative power of storyboarding. Understand the art of conveying the essence of your content in a simplified visual format.

Avoid Godzilla Moments: The Nerds humorously caution against the Godzilla effect—building monstrous content without a clear plan. Learn why less is more, and how storyboarding prevents you from unleashing content chaos on your unsuspecting audience.

Episode 85 - Journey to Keynoting with Kassy LaBorie

Get ready for an exhilarating episode with the Fabulous Learning Nerds as they discuss the fascinating world of keynoting in Learning and Development. This week's guest, the incredible Kassy LaBorie, takes center stage to share her inspiring journey and insights into the power of connection in the digital landscape. So get ready for an amazing episode as The Nerds unlock the secrets to impactful keynoting and revolutionize your perspective on remote connections!

🚀 Show Highlights:

The Inspiration Behind the Journey

Unveiling the Keynote Experience

The Big Idea - Irresistibly Remote

🔑 Key Takeaways:

Be vulnerable and challenge yourself to go outside your comfort zone.

Shift the mindset: Online interactions can be as powerful as in-person connections.

Focus on being helpful rather than perfect when delivering a keynote.

Episode 84 - Clarity in Leadership with Jared Ramler, PhD

Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Fabulous Learning Nerds! 🚀 This week, we've got a powerhouse of insights as we delve into the realm of "Clarity in Leadership" with the extraordinary Jared Ramler. Jared, a seasoned professional in Learning and Development, takes us on a journey through his unconventional path into corporate L&D, spanning over 13 years. With a Ph.D. originally aimed at academia, Jared shares his unexpected transition into the corporate world and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. 

Navigating the Unexpected Career Forks: Jared shares the pivotal moments that led him to the corporate world, emphasizing the role of mentors and peers in his learning journey.

Targeted Development for Career Growth: Explore the benefits of systematic career development and coaching, drawing parallels with Olympic athletes and their coaches.

Leadership, Coaching, and Talent Development: Unpack the interconnected nature of coaching and leadership development, addressing the challenges of accidental managers and the trauma they may unknowingly inflict.

Episode 83 - Employee Engagement

Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Fabulous Learning Nerds! 🤓 In today's episode, we delve deep into the captivating realm of Employee Engagement in Learning and Development. Join us as we explore the dynamic interplay between learning and keeping your team engaged, a critical topic in today's fast-evolving work landscape.

Quizzes vs. Reflections: Scott and Dan engage in a riveting discussion about the effectiveness of standalone quizzes as a learning modality. Does a daily quiz truly spark learning and change behavior? Learn the nuances between closed-ended and open-ended questions and their role in employee engagement.

The Power of the "Why": The nerds underscore the significance of clearly communicating the "why" within organizations. Discover how Learning and Development experts can help align employees with the company's purpose and how such clarity fosters engagement.

Episode 82 - Culture of Learning 

Are you ready to discover the secrets of creating a culture that promotes growth and development? Join the conversation with Scott and Dan as they discuss the following essential aspects of building a learning culture:

The need for a learning culture: In a world where employee engagement and retention are major concerns, it's crucial to shift the focus from episodic learning to continuous growth and development. Learn how building a learning culture can lead to engaged and satisfied employees.

Measuring success: The key to ensuring the success of your continuous learning initiatives is to measure it. Discover how tracking metrics, such as employee retention rates, time to proficiency, and promotion rates, can demonstrate the positive impact of a learning culture.

Join the Fabulous Learning Nerds as they navigate the exciting world of continuous learning, and discover the transformative power of building a learning culture within your organization. Don't miss this insightful episode full of actionable advice and real-world examples! 

Episode 81 - The Importance of Coaching featuring Calle Foster

In today's episode, we're joined by the incredible Calle Foster, an expert in coaching and leadership. Buckle up as we explore the importance of coaching and leadership courage in the corporate world.

Calle Foster is a seasoned professional with a passion for Learning & Development. With a background that began in retail and evolved into a hybrid role encompassing training facilitation, coaching leadership behaviors, and account management, Calle's journey through the corporate world has been nothing short of inspiring. Recently transitioning to a dedicated coaching role, Calle is on a mission to help professionals and leaders reach their full potential and find the courage to pursue meaningful work.

The heart of our discussion revolves around the importance of coaching and leadership courage in the workplace. Calle, delves into the critical role of managers in developing their teams and how coaching contributes to personal and organizational growth. We explore real-world scenarios where leadership courage is essential, from giving feedback to fostering psychological safety.

Calle emphasizes the significance of mentorship and finding the right leaders who align with your growth goals. She also dismantles common misconceptions about coaching, highlighting that it's not just a tool for addressing performance issues but a powerful catalyst for individual success and development.

Join us as we uncover the keys to creating a culture of psychological safety, nurturing talent, and ultimately becoming the best version of yourself, both personally and professionally.

Episode 80 - AI Assisted Design

Join us this week as we dive deep into the fascinating world of AI Assisted Design, where we're giving designers superpowers that will make them look cooler than ever! We know there's been a lot of buzz around AI for a while, but we're here to demystify it and show you that it's not as scary as it seems. Just like the internet transformed the world in the '90s, AI is poised to revolutionize the way we work and create. 

Our journey starts by addressing the fear of AI. Is it like iRobot? What's all the fuss about? We believe it's a monumental shift, just like the internet was, and we're on the verge of something incredible. AI is becoming an integral part of our work. Imagine AI tools like ChatGPT, MidJourney, Leonardo AI, and more as your creative sidekicks. They're here to help you, not replace you.

👩‍💻 #AIForEveryone: Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty with AI tools. They're more accessible than you think. ChatGPT, for instance, is free to use and can supercharge your creativity.

🌐 #BreakingBarriers: AI is breaking language barriers with tools like Google Translate, connecting us with people from all over the world. It's a game-changer for global collaboration.

📸 #PicturePerfect: Tools like MidJourney and Leonardo AI can generate stunning images, making content creation a breeze. Say goodbye to hours of searching for the right picture.

📜 #TranscribeWithEase: Services like Descript and Adobe Premiere Pro's AI transcription are revolutionizing content creation. Edit, transcribe, and create like a pro in minutes.

🚀 #AIForContentCreators: We're witnessing a new era where AI empowers content creators. It's not about AI taking jobs; it's about giving people the superpowers they need to shine.

📚 #UpskillWithAI: Even if you're new to the game, AI can help you level up your skills. With AI-guided content creation, you'll create amazing work in no time.

Join us on this exciting journey into the world of AI Assisted Design. It's time to embrace the future, enhance your creativity, and discover how AI can revolutionize your work. Listen in and unlock your creative superpowers! 🎨

With over 25 years of experience in the learning and development field, Scott is passionate about inspiring others. His mission: to rescue them from their own limitations and bring them into a new world of growth and impact. He and his team bring relevant and impactful change-making tools to audiences young and not-so-young. Utilizing a wide array of solutions such as micro learning design, device neutral mobile learning, distance learning solutions, augmented, and virtual reality learning. 


As a certified Master Trainer and Leadership Coach, Scott places as much emphasis on developing and caring for human capital as he does for financial capital. Engaging in accountability and mentorship conversations is one of his greatest pleasures. Through those conversations, he unlocks others’ superpower so they too can grow, improve, develop a healthy work/life balance, and positively impact their families and communities. 

Zeta's a seasoned fantasy illustrator and graphic designer with over a decade of expertise. She brings that eye for visual impact to how she designs compelling assets for educational materials and engaging learning experiences.  

She has overseen projects for a diverse range of clients, managing all aspects of project development and stakeholder relations.

Now as a dedicated learning nerd, she brings that skillset to help others in their never ending journey for learning and development. 

Why is Daniel a Fabulous Learning Nerd?  Well for starters, because he's on the podcast.

Well that and over a decade of experience in the L&D industry.  

Daniel is an experience focused instructional designer, and learning consultant with a decade of experience in the L&D industry.  Daniel's passion is helping people to grow and develop, and each week on the show he gets to grow and develop himself with a multitude of interesting and exciting guests.